1 de facto government
1) Юридический термин: правительство де факто2) Дипломатический термин: правительство, признанное де-факто -
2 de facto government
правительство, признанное де-факто -
3 de facto government
правительство, признанное де-факто -
4 de facto government
5 government
n2) правление, управление государством, форма правления, руководство•to announce one's new government — объявлять состав своего правительства
to be designated the depositary governments — юр. назначаться в качестве правительств-депозитариев
to bring down a government — добиваться падения / отставки правительства; свергать правительство
to dismiss / to dissolve a government — отправлять в отставку / распускать правительство
to force the government into an early general election — заставлять правительство провести досрочные всеобщие выборы
to install a government — создавать / ставить у власти правительство
to pledge a government (to) — обязывать правительство (к чему-л.)
to resign one's government to smb — передавать руководство кому-л.
- all-party governmentto sweep a government from power — смещать правительство в результате убедительной победы его противников на выборах
- anti-crisis government
- at the helm of the government
- authoritarian government
- biracial government
- bourgeois government
- broadly based government
- caretaker government
- center-right government
- central government
- centralized government - civil government
- civilian government
- clean government
- coalition government
- collapse of a government
- communist government
- composition of the government
- Conservative Government
- constitutional government
- corrupt government
- crisis coalition government
- de facto government
- democratic government
- Democratic Government
- democratically elected government
- depositary government
- devolved government
- dictatorial government
- disaffection with the government
- dissolution of a government
- donor government
- elected government
- establishment of a fully independent government
- fate of the government stands to be decided
- federal government
- for the government of a country
- four-party government
- friendly government
- genocidal government
- government and opposition
- government by crony
- government has collapsed
- government has failed the people
- government has lost its credibility - government in waiting
- government is using its immense power
- government led by...
- government of a country
- government of a state
- government of national agreement
- government of national confidence
- government of national reconciliation
- government of national salvation
- government of national unity
- government of the day
- government recognized de facto
- government recognized de jure
- government survived a rebellion by Conservative MPs
- government will be for 3 months
- government within a government
- handpicked government
- head of government
- Her / His Majesty's Government
- host government
- ideological complexion of the government
- imperialist government
- in defiance of the government
- incoming government
- incompetent government
- independent government
- interim government
- inviolability of the government
- invisible government
- Labour Government
- left-bourgeois government
- left-wing government
- legitimate government
- less government
- liberal government
- local government
- majority government
- maladministration in the government
- military government
- military-backed government
- minority government
- moderate government
- more devolved government
- multiparty government
- municipal government
- national government
- national unity government
- neutral government
- newly-formed government
- on the orders of the government
- one party style of government
- opposing governments
- organs of government
- outgoing government
- overthrow of a government
- overthrown government
- parliamentary government
- post-war government
- power-sharing government
- prime minister's conduct of government
- protest to the government
- provincial government
- provisional government
- puppet government
- racist government
- reactionary government
- recipe for stable government
- refugee government
- republican government
- Republican Government
- reshuffle of the government
- restoration of a government
- rightist government
- right-wing government
- rupture of a coalition government
- scandal-tainted government - self-declared government
- shadow government
- shape of the government
- shared government
- shutdown of the government agencies
- shutdown of the government
- single-party government
- smb's challenge for government
- smb's style of government
- socialist government
- sole legitimate government
- sovereign government
- Soviet government
- stable government
- stop-gap government
- strong government
- student government
- successor government
- system of government
- then government
- totalitarian government
- transition government
- transitional government
- tripartite coalition government
- tsarist government
- uncaring government
- under the government
- under the present government
- US-backed government
- weak government
- white minority government -
6 government
1) управление; руководство; регулирование3) государственное устройство; политический строй5) государственное управление; правительство; правительственный аппарат•government de facto — правительство де факто;
government de jure — правительство де юре;
government in exile — правительство в изгнании; правительство, лишённое своей территории и нашедшее убежище на территории союзной страны; эмигрантское правительство;
government in office [in power] — правительство у власти;
- government of lawgovernment under the Constitution — 1. конституционное правление 2. правительство, действующее на основе конституции
- government of laws and not of men
- government of laws
- government of powers
- government of residual powers
- government of the day
- administrative government
- all-in government
- cabinet government
- city government
- civil government
- constitutional government
- county government
- de facto government
- de jure government
- emergency government
- executive government
- executive emergency government
- extrajudicial government
- extralegal government
- federal government
- foreign government
- general government
- judicial government
- legal government
- legislative government
- local government
- local civil government
- military government
- mixed government
- municipal government
- national government
- open government
- parliamentary government
- police government
- political government
- presidential government
- prime ministerial government
- provisional government
- recognized government
- representative government
- republican government
- responsible government
- shadow government
- split government
- state government
- titular government
- unrecognized government -
7 government
n3) управление, руководство- resign one's government to smb.4) провинция (управляемая губернатором); штат• -
8 government
сущ.to set up [form\] a government — сформировать правительство
It is a call for government and business to work more closely together. — Это призыв к правительству и деловым кругам работать более сплоченно.
Syn:See:cabinet government, caretaker government, carpet-bag government, government de facto, government de jure, government in exile, bank of government, change of government, government agent, government approval, government broker, government customer, government organization, government program, intergovernmental, administrative act, executive power, nongovernmental organization, international nongovernmental organization, vote of no confidence, convention of collective ministerial responsibility, coup d'étatSyn:See:government aid, government bill of lading, government buyer, government contractor, government guarantee, government payroll, government pension, government purchases, government subsidy, at government expense, government-subsidized competition, branch of power3) гос. упр. администрация (района, города т. п.)Syn:See:4) пол. правление, форма правленияSyn:See:absolute government, authoritarian government, bicameral government, constitutional government, democratic government, republican governmentSee:6) гос. упр. губерния, провинция (территория, управляемая губернатором)See:7) гос. упр., мн. органы государственного [муниципального\] управленияThe Council of Governments is a voluntary organization of municipal and county governments in North Carolina. — Совет штата представляет из себя добровольную организацию муниципальных и государственных органов управления.
See:8) мн., гос. фин. государственные ценные бумагиSee: -
9 government recognized de facto
правительство, признанное де-факто / de factoEnglish-russian dctionary of diplomacy > government recognized de facto
10 government de facto
пол. правительство де-факто (группа лиц, фактически принимающие решения, которые определяют развитие страны)See: -
11 government de jure
12 government de facto
1) Юридический термин: правительство де факто2) Макаров: правительство, обладающее реальной властью -
13 government recognized de facto
правительство, признанное де-фактоPolitics english-russian dictionary > government recognized de facto
14 government de facto
15 government de facto
English-russian dctionary of diplomacy > government de facto
16 de facto
1. лат. де-факто, на деле, фактическиthe government de facto — правительство, обладающее реальной властью
2. лат. фактический, действительныйСинонимический ряд:in fact (other) actually; as a matter of fact; factually; genuinely; in fact; indeed; literally; really; truly; veritably; very -
17 de facto
[ˌdeɪ'fæktəu] 1. нареч.; лат.де-факто, фактически, в реальности, на самом деле см. тж. de jureWe had de facto declared war on them. — Мы фактически объявили им войну.
2. прил.; лат.Scotland's trespass laws are grey and de facto freedom to roam operates in appropriate countryside, provided good manners are demonstrated. — В законодательстве Шотландии нарушение границ частных владений - серая зона, и де-факто всякий может свободно совершать прогулки на такой территории, если, конечно, ведёт себя прилично.
1) фактический, реальный2) существующий, действующий, но не имеющий юридического оформления или не признаваемый официально см. тж. de jurede facto relationship — австрал. гражданский брак
BT had higher profits than either, presumably reflecting its still de facto monopoly situation. — У "Бритиш телеком" прибыль была выше, чем у любой из этих двух компаний, что предположительно отражает тот факт, что она де-факто всё ещё сохраняет монопольное положение.
18 de facto
19 de facto
ˈdi:ˈfæktəu лат.;
нареч. на деле, фактически, де-факто( противоп. de jure) the government de facto ≈ находящееся у власти правительство( латинское) де-факто, на деле, фактически - the government * правительство, обладающее реальной властью (латинское) фактический, действительныйБольшой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > de facto
20 de facto
de facto [deɪˊfæktəυ] advthe government de facto находя́щееся у вла́сти прави́тельство
См. также в других словарях:
de facto government — A new government which exercises undisputed sway over the entire country, the former established government having been nullified by successful rebellion or having lost the support of the people. A de facto government arises where the established … Ballentine's law dictionary
de facto government — n. A government that sets itself up in place of the legal government, often by use of force. The Essential Law Dictionary. Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. Amy Hackney Blackwell. 2008 … Law dictionary
De facto government doctrine — The de facto government doctrine is an Argentine case law related to the validity of the actions of de facto governments. It allowed the government actions taken during those times to stay valid after the de facto government had ended. It was… … Wikipedia
government — gov·ern·ment / gə vər mənt, vərn / n 1: the act or process of governing; specif: authoritative direction or control 2: the office, authority, or function of governing 3: the continuous exercise of authority over and the performance of functions… … Law dictionary
Government of the Autonomous Republic of Abkhazia — This article is about the government in exile. For the de facto government, see Government of the Republic of Abkhazia. Autonomous Republic of Abkhazia … Wikipedia
government de facto — A government of fact. A government actually exercising power and control, as opposed to the true and lawful government; a government not established according to the constitution of the nation, or not lawfully entitled to recognition or supremacy … Black's law dictionary
government de facto — A government of fact. A government actually exercising power and control, as opposed to the true and lawful government; a government not established according to the constitution of the nation, or not lawfully entitled to recognition or supremacy … Black's law dictionary
Government of the Republic of Abkhazia — This article is about the de facto government. For the government in exile, see Government of the Autonomous Republic of Abkhazia. Abkhazia This article is part of the series: Politics and government of Abkhaz … Wikipedia
government — From the Latin gubernaculum. Signifies the instrument, the helm, whereby the ship to which the state was compared, was guided on its course by the gubernator or helmsman, and in that view, the government is but an agency of the state,… … Black's law dictionary
government — From the Latin gubernaculum. Signifies the instrument, the helm, whereby the ship to which the state was compared, was guided on its course by the gubernator or helmsman, and in that view, the government is but an agency of the state,… … Black's law dictionary
government de facto — See de facto government … Ballentine's law dictionary